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Screening Programs

Cancer Screening and Education

The Northwest Georgia Regional Cancer Coalition partners with healthcare agencies and community organizations to provide low cost or no cost cancer prevention screenings for the uninsured, under-insured, and under served patients across Northwest Georgia.  Working with the public health departments, our healthcare partners, and federally qualified health care centers we identify and navigate patients through recommended screenings to increase early detection and reduce cancer mortality. The coalition also provides education programs to increase awareness and knowledge about cancer screening guidelines and recommendations, and how to access needed care and resources in our area.




Screening Services


Breast                  Clinical breast exams, Mammograms, Diagnostic ultrasounds

Cervical               Pelvic exams, PAP testing, Colposcopy

Lung                    Low dose lung CT

Colorectal           FIT (fecal immunochemical test), Colonoscopy

Prostate              DRE (digital rectal exam), PSA (protein-specific antigen)






Eligible patients will be within 200% of the 2020 Federal Poverty Guidelines as indicated by the chart below.  For households larger than eight, add $8960 per additional member.


2020 Federal Poverty Guidelines (200%)


Number in Household              Yearly Income


One                                                     $25,520

Two                                                     $34,480

Three                                                  $43,440

Four                                                    $52,400

Five                                                     $61,360

Six                                                       $70,320

Seven                                                 $79,280

Eight                                                  $88,240


If you are a patient and think you may be eligible for screening please visit one of our partners listed below or call us at 706-291-9809 for a referral.  If you are a screening partner or health care provider with patients needing screenings, please contact us at 706-291-9809.




Screening Partners


Breast Cancer Screening Partners

Floyd Medical Canter, Redmond Regional Medical Center, AdventHealth Gordon, Hamilton Medical Center, County Health Department, Primary Healthcare Center, Georgia Mountains Healthcare


Cervical Cancer Screening Partners

County Health Department, Primary Healthcare Center, Georgia Mountains Healthcare, Women of Worth


Lung Cancer Screening Partners

Floyd Medical Canter, Redmond Regional Medical Center, AdventHealth Gordon, Hamilton Medical Center, Primary Healthcare Center, Georgia Mountains Healthcare


Colorectal Cancer Screening Partners

Floyd Medical Canter, Redmond Regional Medical Center, AdventHealth Gordon, Hamilton Medical Center,

Primary Healthcare Center, Georgia Mountains Healthcare, Atlanta Gastroenterology


Prostate Cancer Screening Partners

Primary Healthcare Center, Georgia Mountains Healthcare


Breast Partners
Prostate Partners
Cervical Partners
Colorectal Partners
Lung Partners
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